Friday, December 2, 2011


This blog was one of the greatest ideas I've had so far (if I say so myself) and it's a pity I somewhat abandoned it for a while (over a year, actually).

I'm back! I have plenty of time now (at least till the end of the year) and will be watching at least one more episode a day. There'll be new activities here then shortly!

Friends rocks!

PS: Be sure to check my other blog as well:

Monday, November 22, 2010

First survey ended: Chandler's the best!

Not that this is surprising in the least, but Chandler has just been voted the best friend ever. There were 44 votes, of which he got 17.

Any suggestions for the next survey?

Saturday, November 6, 2010


The ideas which abounded when I first started on my project have sort of... gone? I've just finished watching episode 19 - 5 to go in the first season - and much as I still love watching (obviously!), it hasn't been easy to find great ideas worth sharing.

Doesn't anybody out there have something for season 1?

I'm now going to watch episode 20. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Half of the 1st season - Gone!

I have just finished watching episode 12, which means I'm halfway through season 1, and it's amazing how many cool things I vaguely remembered that have already happened: Phoebe's songs in her pocket shows at Central Perk are hilarious; Ross's 'friendship' with his monkey Marcel; Chandler's sex-obsessed mother; Rachel's struggles to stay afloat without her dad's help; Monica's compulsion about cleanliness and her talent for cooking; Joey's thickness (like for example when he thought he was being asked what he would do if he was impotent, when it was actually OMnipotent!) To die for...

I've always loved Friends, but I don't think I'd ever had as much fun watching it as I've been having now, and I highly recommend you all watch it like I'm doing, in order. It's amazing!

PS: By the way, over 170 visits. Thanks! More activities coming!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Downloading the episodes

In the preparation of my activities, I obviously use only original DVDs. I'm a number-one fan of Friends, and it feels like stealing to use bootleg versions; not to mention Friends is one of those shows you just HAVE to have all the seasons on DVD for posterity.

However, since I know having all the seasons demands a heavy investment on our part, and thanks to my incredible friend Layne, you can find below a link to download one by one all of the 236 episodes of Friends, from all of the 10 seasons.

May God take pity on your pirating soul.

Second Conditional

What would you do if you were omnipotent for a day? Would you make your boobs bigger? Or would you think about killing yourself?

How about if US$ 500 popped up in your account unannounced? Would that make you happy to the point of skipping, or would it entail major karmic debt if you went on a shopping spree?

These and more are discussed by our favorite friends on Earth in episodes 3 and 4, and have now been turned into this activity to be used as presentation and/or practice of the second conditional.

Looking forward to your feedback!

PS: I'd be remiss not to share this week's Grammar Girl podcast. It's on whether it's OK or not to use talk with and talk to in any circumstance. Well worth a peek.

100 visits in less than a week

I want to take a minute here to thank everybody who has visited the blog in this less than a week it's been on the air. I know, of course, that half these visits were paid by my mother (thanks, mom! LOL), but still it means a lot to know that a few awfully nice people took their time to drop by, and some even to make a small comment.

Thank you all and more activities are on the way!